Undirected Flow

Usually the title, one starts with and the title one ends up with, are not the same. But since this is an experiment and a first, I can choose to do whatever. So I'm starting with titling this as 'A blog experiment'. It is giving me a random point to start. We'll see in the end where we go, and if the title changed, You will know it already.

An experiment usually have a controlled set of variables and a hypothesis to be confirmed or denied, I have none at the moment then how is this an experiment? It's more of a trial in 'Trial and Error' or 'Fail fast' mentality. The lack of a defined goal makes it much more interesting. I'm hoping to learn How not to write, by trying it myself, I tried to learn writing earlier turns out It's a goal oriented thing most of the time.

May be that is the hypothesis I'm testing in this experiment, "Can I write something freely and on topic when goal/title is already defined?". It's still vague, but I can't guarantee anymore clarity in this experiment.

Writing to me at this moment looks like a child trying to flow water on an uneven ground, It might create a stream which should be an ideal case but unlikely, what's more likely is either the ground absorbers the water or it changes the direction, puddle is most likely, All in all the kid ends up with something which was undesirable earlier.

Now this new piece of art if can be explained to oneself is not that ugly or useless, It's just wasn't intended but is very truth of reality, The child learns from it unknowingly, and in form of that child the humanity learns something new.

The story of child is a clear diversion from my original start point, but I'm the child and turns out when I poured the water first, The ground absorbed it, leaving me with no thoughts, The story is me retrying this time the condition is different, the ground is not as dry and Child know too restricted of a stream kills itself first and fear of a puddle is still alive.

The child poured again, this time less than even before because ground is not as dry but turns out it dried again, The child will keep trying, until It's call for dinner, whenever.